Hey, welcome to my website!
There's not much to see here just yet, and the other pages are completely broken, but I have faith it'll eventually get better!
(I am really struggling with doing everything by hand with the online editor, gotta find a better way...)
When this website is somewhat done you can expect to find things like my art (mostly monsterboys and furries as of late), some electronics projects I've made, some info on myself (which I honestly don't think anyone cares about actually lmao), small reviews and/or thoughts about videogames I've played, pics of my dogs past and present, as well as a gazillion pics of random plants and bugs (help me I cannot help myself I NEED to take pictures of every cool bug and/or plant I find)
Enough of my ramblings. I hope you find this website again when it's (mostly) done and also hope you enjoy it!
500 views!? B-but... There's literally nothing here yet lmao (thank you all though!)
I have no idea what to put here, probably badges? Music? A chatroom (my god, remember Xat and Chatango??)? I have to put something on here...
One thing I've noticed about Neocities is that people here apparently like FFXIV, sooooooooooooooooooooooo here's a pic of my character lmaooo
Male Au Ra face 4 FTW!!!1!!!11one